Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Effective Effects



Thursday, September 1, 2016

Handwriting Benefits

                      The benefits of Handwriting !
  1. It has a calming effect. "This actually calms the person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says.
  2. It coordinates the left brain and right brain.
  3. It boosts cognitive skills
  4. It inspires creativity.
  5. It sharpens aging minds.
"This actually calms the person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says.

   6. It improves memory.

   7.It uses more of your brain.

    Handwriting over typewriting.

"One key difference is movement. That involves the motor cortex of the brain, so you are using more of the brain then when you simply type," Seifer says.

Start , Writing in Handwriting to retrain & refresh yourself !

Happy & Healthy Handwriting !

Handwriting Benefits

                                    The benefits of Handwriting !
  1. It has a calming effect. "This actually calms the person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says.
  2. It coordinates the left brain and right brain.
  3. It boosts cognitive skills.
  4. It inspires creativity.
  5. It sharpens aging minds.
"This actually calms the person down and retrains the brain," Seifer says.

   6. It improves memory.

   7.It uses more of your brain.

    Handwriting over typewriting.

"One key difference is movement. That involves the motor cortex of the brain, so you are using more of the brain then when you simply type," Seifer says.

Start , Writing in Handwriting to retrain & refresh yourself !

Happy & Healthy Handwriting !

Friday, August 19, 2016

Calligraphy- Beauty beyond Writing

Calligraphy is the word that has been derived from Greek words “kallos” and “graphos” which means the art of “beautiful handwriting”. This form of writing in hand has a strong attraction in itself as it is a form of visual art. Calligraphy is well known for its gracefulness and elegance.

We see this form of art being preserved in most of the historic documents. It was performed using broad bases like brushes etc. There have been modifications made in use of calligraphic instruments like the nibs and pens of different bases. These pens or brushes are used for different purposes giving a smooth or rough look as per the requirement.Everybody wishes to learn the art of ‘penmanship’. It not only helps in handwriting improvement but also provides various other advantages.

· It makes the handwriting legible and more readable
· It increases the concentration by consciously involving 
   your mind 
· It develops artistic skills which enhances the creativity 
· It increases patience and refreshes the mood

Write Right, through its team of experts excel in providing calligraphy training. This program is designed in two levels (basic and advanced) which also focus on providing handwriting tips for better legibility.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Byte Bites the Handwriting !

Today, the technology has become the lungs of ours in everyday routine life. We are so much addicted or tied by all the latest technologies discovered over day by day.
In this digital world, an art of writing is getting faded step by step, even from the childhood as well. so unfortunate ! Children are not being motivated even in their studies for writing, in some schools/colleges. The curriculum studies have replaced or trying to adopt by writing instrument to the digital era by means as:
“The world of Bytes”
 Adoption to latest technology is must & unavoidable as well. But at the same time the natural essentials required by the human being to be the most natural must also be preserved. The causes/effects of not writing regularly or not at all, may not be visible to us directly as in the form of any physical evidences. But may show the delayed signs of it’s in the virtual form of expressions in our MINDS may result in any other form of the reality in our life. That may affect in any other form of our own natural characteristics of our behavior unknowingly.
 The decision is ours to retain the essentials in the modern era too.
 So be the part of Modern era along with writing practice to maintain our natural movements as the physical need of the body. Similar to our daily Gym or physical exercise. 
Start writing regularly for at least 30 minutes a day with a legibility intact in own Handwriting.  Write for the betterment of your natural movements & satisfactions.
 Happy & Healthy Handwriting !! 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tactile & Kinesthetic Perception in Handwriting !

The importance of tactile perception in handwriting speed & legibility.

Why some children are not able to write in legible handwriting & in their writing speed ?

Why some children finds difficulty in formation & alignment of the letters ?

Children's tactile and kinesthetic abilities plays a very important role in motor coordination & hence importance in handwriting.

Tactile Perception is the brain’s ability to understand (perceive) what the hands are feeling. This is our sense of touch, which plays an important role in a child’s motor and social development. The tactile system provides information about the shape, size, and texture of objects. This information helps us to understand our surroundings, manipulate objects, and use tools proficiently. Benefited from demonstrations. For example, you are using your tactile system when you reach into your pocket and find a quarter among several coins.
Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. Kinesthetic learners use the whole body while learning, and usually have a high level of gross motor-skill controls. This makes kinesthetic learners exceed in areas such as athletics, acting and dance. Kinesthetic learners also struggle with teaching styles that involve only auditory and visual lessons. These students may constantly wiggle in their chairs, and teachers may confuse the kinesthetic learner with a child who is hyperactive.
The above two systems has its own merits & based on the learners for which one to adopt. 
One of the study mention below excels about Tactile Perception.
This study examined the contribution of tactile and kinesthetic perceptions to handwriting legibility and speed of 177 Taiwanese children in first and second grade. Five standardized instruments assessed tactile and kinesthetic perceptions using handwriting legibility and speed as outcome measures. Fine motor coordination, mental processing speed, age, and gender were measured and served as covariates. Pearson correlations and regression analyses examined the relationship between handwriting and tactile and kinesthetic perceptions. Handwriting speed and legibility both significantly correlated with tactile perception, kinesthetic perception, and covariates. Results from the regression analysis supported tactile and kinesthetic perceptions as being significant predictors of both handwriting speed. Tactile perception contributed more to handwriting speed and legibility than kinesthetic perception. Tactile and kinesthetic perception should be assessed when evaluating handwriting. When children have difficulty writing quickly or legibly, professionals should assess children's tactile and kinesthetic abilities. (Reference Tzu-Ying Yu, PhD, OT Jim Hinojosa, PhD, OT, FAOTA Tsu-Hsin Howe, PhD, OTR Gerald T. Voelbel, PhD)
So, does this mean that tactile learning system is better or more effective for Good Handwriting skills ?
Encourage kids & help them to develop their Handwriting skills  for the betterment in the academics.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Maintain Obligations

---Basic Obligations for Better Handwriting---
1. Catch a Correct Grip or Grasp.

2. Follow the printed lines on the writing sheet.

3. Slow down the writing speed until it is improved.

4. Less the pressure more the smoothing of pen/pencil on paper.(Lower Pressure)

5. Play Board games specially which covers the drawing & writing.

6. Avoid the frequent use of eraser or scratching.

7. Proper Sitting position (as per writing chair ).

8. Concentration towards every letter for their size & shape.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

" Recycle Handwriting "

 Handwriting Learning Center

Reuse or recycle… pencil sharpening s?
Encourage kids for :
             "BEST OUT OF WASTE"

Handwriting results in to multiple benefits to the kids as:

1. Improves Learning skills.
2. Hand- Eye Coordination.
3. Helps in improving concentration.
4. Helps in developing confidence & personality.
5. Helps in developing creativity. (e.g. shown below)
6. Keeps away the kids from excessive use of TV/Smart
    Phones/Tablets/Video Games by means of writing &            
7. Better marks in Exams due to Good/Legible Handwriting.
8. Child being appreciated & noticed, leads to confidence in             


Friday, June 3, 2016

"Develop interest to write in legible Handwriting at the right age"


"Develop interest to write in legible Handwriting at the right age"

"Tips for Handwriting Improvement"
Handwriting Books help kids write neatly and within the lines! If your child needs extra handwriting help, try these tips to get him to better legible handwriting
1. Allow your child to practice writing on paper using handwriting practice worksheets, as well as in other ways to increase his hand-eye coordination and muscle memory.
2. When introduced to a new letter or word, have your child practice writing it in the air using his finger or elbow. This helps your child learn the stroke pattern for writing the new letter or word. Try some time with a slate to practice repeatedly.
3. Kids can also practice handwriting with finger paints. Finger paints are a great tool for young writers who might need to practice the motions before they grip a pencil.
4. Let your child practice writing using handwriting worksheets. If your child is new to writing worksheets or he has a tendency to write outside of the lines, give your child a template for writing using a highlighter marker. Simply pre-write your child's words or letters using a highlighter marker in a handwriting practice worksheet. Kids can trace over the highlighter marks to practice neat handwriting and letter recognition.
5. Good handwriting takes practice, so let your child use handwriting worksheets regularly to develop neat writing skills.
6. Let start your child reading loudly enough that he can hear himself, for at least 30 minutes daily to improve his concentration/focus towards the subject.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Improve Calculation Speed in Maths

Maths classes

          Develop interest in Mathematics 
                 How Naughty Maths Works ?
Naughty maths works on the “Game based Learning” model.

When children are promoted to learn while playing, they tend to comprehend and remember better. They enjoy more as games are fun and stress-free. Kids practice 'n' number (and type) of problems that feels like play.

This type of learning can also be termed as “Adaptive Learning”. It is dynamic and involves increased participation from children. Advance interpersonal skills and improved brain capacities always trail game based learning.

How playing Naughty Maths games improves children's brain capacities?

Games always drive competitive spirit in every child. Therefore, learning games makes a child

1 Adaptive
2 Attentive
3 Active (mentally and physically)
4 Action-oriented

Let you child learn maths basic calculations with 

 Naughty Maths

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Reasons to Learn Handwriting

Handwriting is a vital life-skill.

Developing an attractive, legible cursive handwriting style certainly has great aesthetic value, but it also has numerous mental, physical, social, practical and financial benefits. 

1. Improved neural connections.
2. Improved ability to read cursive.
3. Increased speed.
4. Improved fine motor skills.
5. Increased retention.
6. Ease of learning.
7. Improves reading and spelling ability.
8. Increases self-discipline.
9. Higher quality signature.

10. Increased self-respect.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Treasure of Artwork

Each session of KiddieArts allows the student to TAKE home a new creation every time. The curriculum is structured in a way to ensure that the child never returns home empty handed from the class. The child will always have a fresh piece of self created artifact to carry to its place and flaunt to his parents and friends.
As the students of KiddieArts learn to make something new in each and every class, they are happy to TREASURE all their artwork and decorate their homes. These exhibits in their homes continue to inspire their artistic instincts. This treasure helps enhance the knack for creativity and innovation among the children.
Kids gain immense confidence when they SHARE their artistic knowledge with their peers. Self-made objects of art learnt at KiddieArts allow the kids to gift or share it with friends and show them their love. These giving away of presents not only has a personal touch, with a high level of satisfaction but also imbibes the quality of sharing.
So, KiddieArts make sure that Kids

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

*********** 15 Skills or Abilities in Handwriting *********** ************ *************************

The skills are needed for Handwriting.

Many people has impression that cursive style of Handwriting is old fashioned & outdated.

Majority have taken cursive out of their curriculum. Not having cursive as an option is detrimental for many children who struggle with their Handwriting work.

1.  Fine Motor Coordination
Small motor skills that build upon & influence each other, leading to gradual refinement of skilled Hand & Finger movements.

2.  Visual Focusing
The ability for the Eyes to work together.

3.  Mental attention
The ability to screen out the distraction.

4.  Organized  physical movements
The ability to maintain posture & hold the writing instrument.

5. Receptive Language
The ability to perceive abstract concepts & follow verbal directions.

6.  Inner expressive Language
The ability to think clearly , organize ideas, concepts & communicate through writing.

7. Memory Recall
The ability to remember letter formations and the required movements necessary to make each letter and connection.

8. Concentration with awareness
The ability to maintain consistent awareness of details & form over a period of time.

9. Spatial perceptions
The ability to utilize space.

10. Organization
The ability to organize Mind, Body & space to produce meaningful responses.
11. Integration
The ability to unit the Mind, Body & space to create meaningful written expressions.

12.   Eye- Hand coordination
The ability to use the Eyes & Hand together as a seamless unit.

13.  Motor Planning
The ability to plan & carry out an action.

  14.  Tactile input
The ability to feel the pencil in Hand & apply the appropriate pressure to write.

15.  Crossing Mid line
The movements of the Eyes, a Hand, or forearm to move across the midsection of the body without moving  any other part of the body.

Happy Handwriting !

Thursday, January 21, 2016

How to Celebrate National Handwriting Day?

      Ideas on How to  Celebrate
      National Handwriting  Day!

  • Write a note or letter to someone you prefer or Love.
  • Informative Notes to those serving in the military or people who are elderly or ill will be well received.
  • Learn more about John Hancock and the Declaration of Independence.
  • Start an autograph book or Start personnel Daily Diary.
  • Practice making your writing legible and neat.
  • Bake a cake for John Hancock and sign your name in large letters with icing.
  • Share your ideas on your Facebook, twitter, Instagram,   Pinterest, Linkedin & Google page    
  • Write in Legible Handwriting in Notebook at School & in Homework.
  • Oath to write in Legible Handwriting.
How do you celebrate National Handwriting Day? 

Please share with us.