Monday, July 18, 2016

Tactile & Kinesthetic Perception in Handwriting !

The importance of tactile perception in handwriting speed & legibility.

Why some children are not able to write in legible handwriting & in their writing speed ?

Why some children finds difficulty in formation & alignment of the letters ?

Children's tactile and kinesthetic abilities plays a very important role in motor coordination & hence importance in handwriting.

Tactile Perception is the brain’s ability to understand (perceive) what the hands are feeling. This is our sense of touch, which plays an important role in a child’s motor and social development. The tactile system provides information about the shape, size, and texture of objects. This information helps us to understand our surroundings, manipulate objects, and use tools proficiently. Benefited from demonstrations. For example, you are using your tactile system when you reach into your pocket and find a quarter among several coins.
Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. Kinesthetic learners use the whole body while learning, and usually have a high level of gross motor-skill controls. This makes kinesthetic learners exceed in areas such as athletics, acting and dance. Kinesthetic learners also struggle with teaching styles that involve only auditory and visual lessons. These students may constantly wiggle in their chairs, and teachers may confuse the kinesthetic learner with a child who is hyperactive.
The above two systems has its own merits & based on the learners for which one to adopt. 
One of the study mention below excels about Tactile Perception.
This study examined the contribution of tactile and kinesthetic perceptions to handwriting legibility and speed of 177 Taiwanese children in first and second grade. Five standardized instruments assessed tactile and kinesthetic perceptions using handwriting legibility and speed as outcome measures. Fine motor coordination, mental processing speed, age, and gender were measured and served as covariates. Pearson correlations and regression analyses examined the relationship between handwriting and tactile and kinesthetic perceptions. Handwriting speed and legibility both significantly correlated with tactile perception, kinesthetic perception, and covariates. Results from the regression analysis supported tactile and kinesthetic perceptions as being significant predictors of both handwriting speed. Tactile perception contributed more to handwriting speed and legibility than kinesthetic perception. Tactile and kinesthetic perception should be assessed when evaluating handwriting. When children have difficulty writing quickly or legibly, professionals should assess children's tactile and kinesthetic abilities. (Reference Tzu-Ying Yu, PhD, OT Jim Hinojosa, PhD, OT, FAOTA Tsu-Hsin Howe, PhD, OTR Gerald T. Voelbel, PhD)
So, does this mean that tactile learning system is better or more effective for Good Handwriting skills ?
Encourage kids & help them to develop their Handwriting skills  for the betterment in the academics.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Maintain Obligations

---Basic Obligations for Better Handwriting---
1. Catch a Correct Grip or Grasp.

2. Follow the printed lines on the writing sheet.

3. Slow down the writing speed until it is improved.

4. Less the pressure more the smoothing of pen/pencil on paper.(Lower Pressure)

5. Play Board games specially which covers the drawing & writing.

6. Avoid the frequent use of eraser or scratching.

7. Proper Sitting position (as per writing chair ).

8. Concentration towards every letter for their size & shape.