Thursday, January 28, 2016

Treasure of Artwork

Each session of KiddieArts allows the student to TAKE home a new creation every time. The curriculum is structured in a way to ensure that the child never returns home empty handed from the class. The child will always have a fresh piece of self created artifact to carry to its place and flaunt to his parents and friends.
As the students of KiddieArts learn to make something new in each and every class, they are happy to TREASURE all their artwork and decorate their homes. These exhibits in their homes continue to inspire their artistic instincts. This treasure helps enhance the knack for creativity and innovation among the children.
Kids gain immense confidence when they SHARE their artistic knowledge with their peers. Self-made objects of art learnt at KiddieArts allow the kids to gift or share it with friends and show them their love. These giving away of presents not only has a personal touch, with a high level of satisfaction but also imbibes the quality of sharing.
So, KiddieArts make sure that Kids

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

*********** 15 Skills or Abilities in Handwriting *********** ************ *************************

The skills are needed for Handwriting.

Many people has impression that cursive style of Handwriting is old fashioned & outdated.

Majority have taken cursive out of their curriculum. Not having cursive as an option is detrimental for many children who struggle with their Handwriting work.

1.  Fine Motor Coordination
Small motor skills that build upon & influence each other, leading to gradual refinement of skilled Hand & Finger movements.

2.  Visual Focusing
The ability for the Eyes to work together.

3.  Mental attention
The ability to screen out the distraction.

4.  Organized  physical movements
The ability to maintain posture & hold the writing instrument.

5. Receptive Language
The ability to perceive abstract concepts & follow verbal directions.

6.  Inner expressive Language
The ability to think clearly , organize ideas, concepts & communicate through writing.

7. Memory Recall
The ability to remember letter formations and the required movements necessary to make each letter and connection.

8. Concentration with awareness
The ability to maintain consistent awareness of details & form over a period of time.

9. Spatial perceptions
The ability to utilize space.

10. Organization
The ability to organize Mind, Body & space to produce meaningful responses.
11. Integration
The ability to unit the Mind, Body & space to create meaningful written expressions.

12.   Eye- Hand coordination
The ability to use the Eyes & Hand together as a seamless unit.

13.  Motor Planning
The ability to plan & carry out an action.

  14.  Tactile input
The ability to feel the pencil in Hand & apply the appropriate pressure to write.

15.  Crossing Mid line
The movements of the Eyes, a Hand, or forearm to move across the midsection of the body without moving  any other part of the body.

Happy Handwriting !

Thursday, January 21, 2016

How to Celebrate National Handwriting Day?

      Ideas on How to  Celebrate
      National Handwriting  Day!

  • Write a note or letter to someone you prefer or Love.
  • Informative Notes to those serving in the military or people who are elderly or ill will be well received.
  • Learn more about John Hancock and the Declaration of Independence.
  • Start an autograph book or Start personnel Daily Diary.
  • Practice making your writing legible and neat.
  • Bake a cake for John Hancock and sign your name in large letters with icing.
  • Share your ideas on your Facebook, twitter, Instagram,   Pinterest, Linkedin & Google page    
  • Write in Legible Handwriting in Notebook at School & in Homework.
  • Oath to write in Legible Handwriting.
How do you celebrate National Handwriting Day? 

Please share with us.


Following are the important points can overcome the difficulties in handwriting by the learners. Consider which foundation skills the learner may be having difficulties with in developing his or her handwriting skills.
The problem may be in any one or combination of the following five areas.

Follow the above correction with learner, sure you will find improvement in your Handwriting.
Happy Handwriting. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

"Give Strength to Kids Handwriting"

  1. Popping plastic bubble wrapping material using a pincer grasp.
  2. Squeezing clothes pegs  (helping to hang up or take down clothes on the clothes line or similar activity).
  3.  Using a hole puncher for art activities.
  4.  Open and hold the school door for the teachers or class.
  5.  Help erase the blackboard or whiteboard.
  6.  Pouring activities e.g. water plants.
  7.  At home, digging in the garden, raking, sweeping, cleaning windows, carrying groceries etc.
  8. Finger Painting – using individual fingers, do shapes, pre- writing  patterns.
  9. Play dough-squeezing, rolling, and pinching.
  10. Use a rainbow ribbon to make circles and figures of 8 in different positions.
  11. Climbing and monkey bar games where the arms have to pull up the child’s body weight.
  12. Playing ‘wheelbarrows’ or other games where the child bears his body weight through his arms.
  13. Animal walks, obstacle courses and crawling.
  14. Crab walks in all directions (tummy in air).
  15. Making bridges with their bodies.
  16. Making the letter shapes with their bodies; this will teach them about shapes and improve core strength

START NOW, Help your Kids to improve their Handwriting in Time...