Each session of KiddieArts allows the student to TAKE home a new creation every time. The curriculum is structured in a way to ensure that the child never returns home empty handed from the class. The child will always have a fresh piece of self created artifact to carry to its place and flaunt to his parents and friends.
As the students of KiddieArts learn to make something new in each and every class, they are happy to TREASURE all their artwork and decorate their homes. These exhibits in their homes continue to inspire their artistic instincts. This treasure helps enhance the knack for creativity and innovation among the children.
Kids gain immense confidence when they SHARE their artistic knowledge with their peers. Self-made objects of art learnt at KiddieArts allow the kids to gift or share it with friends and show them their love. These giving away of presents not only has a personal touch, with a high level of satisfaction but also imbibes the quality of sharing.
So, KiddieArts make sure that Kids