Thursday, October 8, 2015

Handwriting & Reading improves learning abilities

It is a big challenge to motivate kids to do something which they do not want, certainly which may be good & required for them to grow better.
Handwriting & reading are the most essentials for learning abilities to grow your child better. But how  ?? most of the times managing our kids makes us difficult.
Below some tips may help
Encourage for Handwriting:
1. Start writing along with them as well. Kids are good in coping elders.
2. schedule daily time slot
3. Encourage to write twice a day regularly in legible handwriting for at least             more than 20 min. in the beginning of this program, apart from their daily           studies. After 20 days insist to write them in learned legible Handwriting on         wards in the notebooks as well.
4. Once they establish in Good Handwriting than expect to write in Speed by              giving them dictation. Increase the speed in steps like any other athlete                  develops his stamina. Make sure that kids are comfortable with this process.
5. Maintain happy & healthy environment 
 Encourage for Reading:
1. Read with kids from a young age
2. Gift them books
3. Force them to read even when they don't want to
4. Take them to the library
5. Schedule time for reading daily
6. Discuss their favorite books
7. Ask them to share with you about what they read. 
Sure this will help  to grow child better in developing learning skills


Follow some common ways to develop.
1.Believe In Them
2.Sleep Deprivation affects brain growth
3.Don’t Read To Your Kids, Read With Them
4.Technology helps kids learn faster
5.Regular exercising boosts brain power
6.Peer Group Matters
7.Happy Kids = Successful Kids
8.Learning Is An Active Process
9.Music lessons
10.Treats Can Be A Good Thing —At The Right Time