Thursday, December 31, 2015


Handwriting divulges  kids’ inner anxiety

According to an some article in one of the news paper that Handwriting reveals kids’ inner anxiety.
At least 10 to 15% of the kids in a classroom are suffering from attention-related disorders, aggression and other psychological issues...currently.  School counselors have started linking such psychological aberrations with handwriting saying that the way kids write often reveals their innermost turmoil.”
It has therefore become important for schools and teachers that they should spot the problems in the child’s handwriting and seek remedies from experienced graphologists and handwriting experts.

Ms. (X) in her article says, “It's a complex situation and starts from the primary stage with bad handwriting. Children from the kindergarten stage are mandatory put through a handwriting regimen, first through pattern drawing and then formation of letters and cursive writing. This follows an international format certified by the UNICEF which should help them develop a legible, if not beautiful, handwriting by the time they are well into the primary stage. But, typically, there would be some kids, about seven to eight in a class of 45, who are not be able to grasp these techniques, not because of a learning disorder but because of they are suffering from deep psychosomatic disorders. Kids are divided into two categories Y2 and Y6 for this. The former indicates kids who are about seven years old and the latter are for those who are 11 years old. By the time they reach the Y2 stage, kids should be able to display a certain threshold of handwriting consistency, though the desired neatness happens at the Y6 stage. Children, who are still sloppy after Y6, are naturally displaying inner disturbance and need immediate psycho mapping and therapy, it is believed.”
What are your views on the subject? Don’t you feel the need to get the illegible and sloppy handwriting's of your kids rectified by professionals? If you answer it affirmative, contact Handwriting expert/Trainer, You can also let your child (or the students of your school) participate in any Handwriting Olympiad where kids get individualized corrective advice, right from the desk of handwriting experts to improve their handwriting.

           Happy Year 2016 with
 Happy &Healthy Handwriting!!  

Monday, December 28, 2015

Now or Never

Think again & again, motivate to write in legible Handwriting to our kids. Even though it does not exist in some Schools/digital schools around the globe. You can train your kids for Handwriting as an extracurricular also. This activity acts as a vitamin to the children in their growing age as a nutrition to their betterment or a support to enhance their learning skills. Handwriting & reading from various books increases their interest in the learning skills. It is a vital vitamin in their beginning of the early periods of life. The advancement of the technology has caused the benefits along with the few demerits. But these few demerits are more important for the children & that might affect on the next generation’s learning skills.

The one of the statistics below has resulted into figures.


According to an infographic published by Everyday Family,

  1. 54% of 21st century kids start using mobile devices when they are 5 to 8 years old.
  2. 30% of the apps on parents’ mobile are downloaded specially for their children’s usage.
  3. 77% of the parents accept that usage of tablet that increases children’s learning & creativity.
  4. 72% of iTunes top selling apps are designed for pre-schoolers and elementary students.
But in spite all these studies, do the technology providers have taken up any lesson nor even the parents ?

The above figure shows an increase in the FANs of Latest Technology to improvement in the learning skills by the Digital era but for those who get these latest gadgets or available or can afford it.

The technology avails the data that is not required in readymade & quick information to the kids, teenagers & youth on a finger click without any pains to look for it in a premature period of age for a such information causes to early maturity in a wrong time of age. Technology is expensive in some part of the world or affordability issues lead to chaos in inequality issues in the society.

Nowadays the technology has developed in such a way that it ensures the parental control with security & safety for children. Instead of all these locks & measures, if one decides for their kids to handle or allow these latest technological options on or after certain age than that will prove the best for the kids for their betterment in their future. These precautionary measures can control or restrict the adverse effects on kids , if any !

Technology has the challenge on controlling the ratio for

The Right Information : At the Right Age & to overcome the demerits causing advert effects on child.

The sales target by the Company’s/Manufacturer’s sees to it that it pushes their latest products or attract consumers to reach to that latest technology product very effectively. On the other hand, if this target does the studies on the impact of their products on the society or the demerits affected on next generation (Kids youth or below them) before launching via some research will be more remarkable to boost their sales & may avoid the adverse effects on children/society. Only these targets can save the next generation’s derailment in the traditional ,Cheap, easy & effective proven way of improving their learning skills & one of the traditional way is Good Handwriting .

Ensure to adopt a Legible Handwriting at least as an extracurricular activity in Digital Schools regularly & effectively.

Handwriting mustn’t fade with time.

    Happy Year 2016 with Happy & Healthy Handwriting!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Handwriting - Is it on the verge of extinction?

We all have witnessed how technological devices like tablets and smart phones have been ruling our lives lately & aggressively. With such a ease and convenience at hand, we have been unknowingly becoming too dependent to these aids & Gadgets. Typing over MS word, making to-do lists in mobile phone apps, noting reminders on mobile calendars have almost declined the need to write in hand & the noting in personal Daily Diary in own Handwriting.

But, does this give us an excuse to ignore the fact that handwriting still forms the basic component where our education begins? Are we in a state where we can neglect or undo the need of handwritten assignments that kids need to submit in their schools? Absolutely not… How-much-so-ever technology may dominate our needs and demands, handwriting will remain an essential part of the learning process in the schools.

Even though the Digital Schools are educating the children since from very beginning, they also require to learn children to write in Handwriting.
Digital Schools must not forget the importance of Handwriting for the mankind & the benefits of Handwriting forever for the lifetime.
Technology isn’t the enemy of education. It’s when applications are created with a holistic view that technology can be its saving grace.
Handwriting and Technology are integral parts of both teaching and learning.
Handwriting was, & still is the part of CHILD’s DEVELOPMENT
Why can’t we forget handwriting, at least in schools? Because…

· It helps in identifying the alphabets that forms the written                 expression of a language.
· It develops the ability to learn the language itself.
· It adds to vocabulary and written etiquette's of communication.
· It indirectly helps build a fluent verbal communication.
· It helps remember useful information for long, sometime for a
· It minimizes errors in writing and while speaking.
· Many more….

If you too realize the importance of handwriting and the need to write legibly, Start Now & Encourage other as well to write.

Happy Handwriting !!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


It is really amazing now a days to know that some are very proud to say that “ I have not written in own handwriting for past six months except my signature.”

That’s not fair on one’s side. Because it is certainly required & important tool to cater exercises to our Brain & Fingers (Hand muscle movement). These exercises are equally important as any other physical exercises that we do regularly for our physical fitness such as Jim, Yoga, Jogging, walking, etc.

Our regular Handwriting touch do induce to the exercise of our brain as well it ensures our MIND-MOTOR coordination resulting to boost our confidence level & makes us feel towards positive attitude. Which is very beneficial to our psychological movements.

The Handwriting has no age bar. One should avoid the thinking way as “ I am grown up & why do I need it ?”

The legibility in Handwriting reflects your inner state of mind. If you want to bring a more positive change in your thoughts, the Handwriting improvement in your Handwriting will certainly assist you to achieve your goal more effectively.

Good Handwriting helps not only for children but for Adults as well.

So… Start to write regularly for at least 30 minutes a day with legibility intact in own Handwriting.

Recover your better impression by showing the positive change in you with a Good Handwriting at your work place in this cyber age world too.

Happy Good Handwriting !!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Enrich your Handwriting !!

Every individual has to pay attention towards own Handwriting in this Cybage world. One must not loose the writing touch. Write regularly for at least 30 minutes minimum in a day in legible Handwriting.

Encourage next generation (children) for writing as equally as their digital activities. Handwriting develops learning skills rapidly in childhood.

"A Good Handwriting helps you think better"

Benefits of a Good Handwriting.





Writing has always been seen as expressing one’s personality. Handwriting helps children learn letters and shapes, improves their composition of ideas, and may also boost fine-motor skills development.

So, Start now. Enrich your Handwriting

Happy Handwriting-----

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

-------------- " UNION OF LETTERS "---------------

" Avoid Hysteresis Loss in Handwriting "

Every individual legible letter is made of unique shape. A group of such legible letters makes a word. This legible group of words makes a sentence to form a good legible paragraph. A group paragraph forms a page.

All this can be achieved, if one avoids the hysteresis loss in jotting down these letters in own handwriting all the time irrespective to any variations in own mind & concentration. What we see or think must write in legible Handwriting. This makes our Handwriting in presentable manner. Handwriting reflects state of Mind. Minimize the loss within the reflection of mind(I.e. Handwriting) & Mind by Good Handwriting.

Good Handwriting is a mark of Success, Confidence & personality
The unity & Strength of any good legible letters prevents in attacking this Hysteresis loss in own handwriting.


Happy Handwriting...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Handwriting & Reading improves learning abilities

It is a big challenge to motivate kids to do something which they do not want, certainly which may be good & required for them to grow better.
Handwriting & reading are the most essentials for learning abilities to grow your child better. But how  ?? most of the times managing our kids makes us difficult.
Below some tips may help
Encourage for Handwriting:
1. Start writing along with them as well. Kids are good in coping elders.
2. schedule daily time slot
3. Encourage to write twice a day regularly in legible handwriting for at least             more than 20 min. in the beginning of this program, apart from their daily           studies. After 20 days insist to write them in learned legible Handwriting on         wards in the notebooks as well.
4. Once they establish in Good Handwriting than expect to write in Speed by              giving them dictation. Increase the speed in steps like any other athlete                  develops his stamina. Make sure that kids are comfortable with this process.
5. Maintain happy & healthy environment 
 Encourage for Reading:
1. Read with kids from a young age
2. Gift them books
3. Force them to read even when they don't want to
4. Take them to the library
5. Schedule time for reading daily
6. Discuss their favorite books
7. Ask them to share with you about what they read. 
Sure this will help  to grow child better in developing learning skills


Follow some common ways to develop.
1.Believe In Them
2.Sleep Deprivation affects brain growth
3.Don’t Read To Your Kids, Read With Them
4.Technology helps kids learn faster
5.Regular exercising boosts brain power
6.Peer Group Matters
7.Happy Kids = Successful Kids
8.Learning Is An Active Process
9.Music lessons
10.Treats Can Be A Good Thing —At The Right Time

Monday, August 3, 2015

" Encourage your child for handwriting neatly "

1. Help your child to take it slow & patiently.
2. Explain the mistakes he/she does.
3. Reinforce for proper letter formation & insist for practice.
4. Make sure the pencil is properly positioned.
5. Make sure your child has the hand strength to write orenergetic or fresh enough.
6. Expose your child to lots of words.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"Tips for Improving Handwriting"

Handwriting Books help kids write neatly and within the lines! If your child needs extra handwriting help, try these tips to get him to better legible handwriting.

1. Allow your child to practice writing on paper using handwriting practice worksheets to increase his hand-eye coordination and muscle memory.

2. When introduced to a new letter or word, have your child practice writing it in the air using his finger or elbow. This helps your child learn the stroke pattern for writing the new letter or word. Try some time with a slate to practice repeatedly.

3. Kids can also practice handwriting with finger paints. Finger paints are a great tool for young writers who might need to practice the motions before they grip a pencil.

4. Let your child practice writing using handwriting worksheets. If your child is new to writing worksheets or he has a tendency to write outside of the lines, give your child a template for writing using a highlighter marker. Simply pre-write your child's words or letters using a highlighter marker in a handwriting practice worksheet. Kids can trace over the highlighter marks to practice neat handwriting and letter recognition.

5. Good handwriting takes practice, so let your child use handwriting worksheets regularly to develop neat writing skills.

6. Let start your child reading loudly enough that he can hear himself, for at least 30 minutes daily to improve his concentration/focus towards the subject.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Union of Letters"

                                          " Avoid Hysteresis Loss in Handwriting "

A Legible individual letter is made of unique shape. A group of such legible letters makes a word. This legible group of words makes a sentence to form a good legible paragraph.

All this can be achieved, if one avoids the hysteresis loss in jotting down these letters in own handwriting all the time irrespective to any variations in own mind.

The unity & Strength of any good legible letters prevents in attacking this Hysteresis loss in own handwriting.

Happy Handwriting...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Good Handwriting -- Examiner & Student

" Good Handwriting and Student "
A good handwriting is a pleasure both to the student and to the examiner. Only with good alignment can good handwriting be obtained. There are certain rules which when followed will lead to a good handwriting. Handwriting is something which should be inculcated from the beginning. Just a bit of concentration and practice is required.
Due to modernization, most of the kids are now growing with technology. Most of the children now are struggling with writing problems. But some educators and institutions are concentrating to change that.
Handwriting of the kids are basically depends on the developmental task of their fine-motor skills. Most of the educational institutions forgot that concept and forcing the children to write. This is why lots of kids at the age of 6yrs to 10yrs lacking in writing skills. It requires the ability to hold a writing instrument in a comfortable manner. It requires the writer to consistently follow certain and prescribed motions of practice.
Advantages of Handwriting courses.
Handwriting becomes more legible.
Helps in improving speed writing skill.
Helps in neat presentations.
Helps the children to compete with modern era.
Helps to obtain more marks in exams.
Helps in confidence improvement.
Helps in Personality development.
Help your child in time....

Thursday, April 2, 2015


" Summer Camp 2015 for Handwriting improvement & Calligraphy "

1. Improve Handwriting within 7 days. Age 11 + (7 days)
2. Beginner's Handwriting in 15 days. Age 6 to 10 yrs. (15 days)
3. Speed Writing Age 12+ (15 days)
4. Calligraphy workshop Age 12 + (15 days.)

Languages : English & Hindi English : (Cursive & Print Style)

Workshop conducted in class room & one to one attention.
Join Now , Enroll your name & fix your batch timings Today !!
Call & Book your batch now on 020 65202741
Good Handwriting + Good Marks in Exams + Good Confidence & Personality. Get 3 in one..

Handwriting Learning Center, Pune, Maharashtra.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Helpful Tips in Exam period

" Best Of Luck to All Students for their Exams " 

   Refer to useful Tips below in exam time